Bruce Lee has been recognized primarily for his physical skills and tactical principles in the art of unarmed combat. But Bruce Lee: Artist of Life reveals that Lee was a man who was equal parts poet, Philosopher, scientist, actor. producer, director, author, choreographer, Martial Artsl artist, husband, father, and friend, dedicated to artistic expression with the goal of self-knowledge. Bruce Lee: Artist of Life is a collection of writings comprising eight parts: writings on Chinese Gung Fu, Philosophysophy psychology, Jeet Kune Do, acting, and self-knowledge, as well as a section of Lee's poetry and letters, revealing a side of Bruce Lee rarely seen letters, revealing a side of Bruce Lee rarely seen previously. As John Little writes in the Introduction, "No matter what the topic...you get the distinct impression from reading Lee's words that hee, indeed, was a 'real man,' a real human being, who was in fact laying bare his soul." |